Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Use Droid as a WiFi Calling Device for less than $5

I know. I thought this was crazy too.

I have a droid 2 and I couldn't be happier with it. I've kind of based my life around my phone as pathetic as that sounds... Hell, im writing this article on it as we speak, as I drive to Walmart to pick up diapers for my weak stomached 1 year old (Some babies just can't handle their Indian food...).

So you can imagine my distress when the cell phone towers were under repair and I was without phone service for most of the day. Talk about a lifI know. I thought this was crazy too.

I have a droid 2 and I couldn't be happier with it. I've kind of based my life around my phone as pathetic as that sounds... Hell, im writing this article on it as we speak, as I drive to Walmart to pick up diapers for my weak stomached 1 year old (Some babies just can't handle their Indian food...).

So you can imagine my distress when the cell phone towers were under repair and I was without phone service for most of the day. Talk about a life stopping Tuesday... I couldn't place calls... or text my wife, I was completely cut off from the world...

What happens if they are calling me right now to give me a million dollars just for answering my phone...? Well I wouldn't be buying a nanny to change my ethnic, fire eating, 1 year old that's for sure...

So I jumped into action kicking over empty diaper boxes, 2 cats, and a possessed toy bus that hasn't stopped playing the "Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" (even after I ripped the batteries out of it. ) for 334 excruciatingly consecutive days...

Reaching my laptop and phone I got intimate with google and consummated a solution...

Groove IP working in conjunction with Google Voice will produce a working WiFi calling device out of my near useless droid 2...

And in 5 minutes and 5 dollars later...

I placed a call to my wife who responded with leaping joy and excitement asking "why haven't you been answering your damn phone?!" I was so surprised by hearing her voice on the other end of the 5 dollar wifi line, I slapped the baby...

Ok so I wasn't excited enough to slap my child... but if there was an elderly person near by I would have been forced to... Introduced them to this incredible new trick my droid could do!

It was so simple... What happened? Had the economy swung the other direction since I went to sleep last night? 5 dollars is the same price I pay for a fast food lunch and now it will buy me a dedicated phone line I can use, without monthly fees, from anywhere WiFi is offered?

I asked if I was dreaming... and I realized that if I was dreaming... babies wouldn't smell so bad, that million dollar phone call would have came in regardless of the service failure, and my wife's response would have been "i'm glad I got a hold of you... they had an underwear give away at Victoria's Secret and I forgot your favorite color..."

So if it's not a dream... then the answer is simple... Android ROCKS!

I'm sure there is an equally awesome feature on the iPhone (as my cousin, who has a completely heterosexual man crush on Steve Jobs, will tell you) but for the purpose of this article my only real lesson here is that... Android ROCKS!

Now the purpose of the next article will be much more informative (if less entertaining) and will cover how you can use this simple phone solution to your advantage as a business owner. What potential business advantage can we squeeze out of a $5 application?

I've thought about it... put it into use... and the possibilities are quite fulfilling for all of you internet cash junkies out there...

What I know about how this simple application can change the way you do business...

Well... I'm sure it will at the very least add another rung into your marketing wheel... if not... then it may completely reinvent the whole thing!

Clarksville Media Group Is the distributor of this article and provides many more ideas about how you can get the most out of your android device. Sign up on the right to get the most out of your android.e stopping Tuesday... I couldn't place calls... or text my wife, I was completely cut off from the world...

What happens if they are calling me right now to give me a million dollars just for answering my phone...? Well I wouldn't be buying a nanny to change my ethnic, fire eating, 1 year old that's for sure...

So I jumped into action kicking over empty diaper boxes, 2 cats, and a possessed toy bus that hasn't stopped playing the "Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" (even after I ripped the batteries out of it. ) for 334 excruciatingly consecutive days...

Reaching my laptop and phone I got intimate with google and consummated a solution...

Groove IP working in conjunction with Google Voice will produce a working WiFi calling device out of my near useless droid 2...

And in 5 minutes and 5 dollars later...

I placed a call to my wife who responded with leaping joy and excitement asking "why haven't you been answering your damn phone?!" I was so surprised by hearing her voice on the other end of the 5 dollar wifi line, I slapped the baby...

Ok so I wasn't excited enough to slap my child... but if there was an elderly person near by I would have been forced to... Introduced them to this incredible new trick my droid could do!

It was so simple... What happened? Had the economy swung the other direction since I went to sleep last night? 5 dollars is the same price I pay for a fast food lunch and now it will buy me a dedicated phone line I can use, without monthly fees, from anywhere WiFi is offered?

I asked if I was dreaming... and I realized that if I was dreaming... babies wouldn't smell so bad, that million dollar phone call would have came in regardless of the service failure, and my wife's response would have been "i'm glad I got a hold of you... they had an underwear give away at Victoria's Secret and I forgot your favorite color..."

So if it's not a dream... then the answer is simple... Android ROCKS!

I'm sure there is an equally awesome feature on the iPhone (as my cousin, who has a completely heterosexual man crush on Steve Jobs, will tell you) but for the purpose of this article my only real lesson here is that... Android ROCKS!

Now the purpose of the next article will be much more informative (if less entertaining) and will cover how you can use this simple phone solution to your advantage as a business owner. What potential business advantage can we squeeze out of a $5 application?

I've thought about it... put it into use... and the possibilities are quite fulfilling for all of you internet cash junkies out there...

What I know about how this simple application can change the way you do business...

Well... I'm sure it will at the very least add another rung into your marketing wheel... if not... then it may completely reinvent the whole thing!

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